(no subject)

Nov 16, 2014 00:06

_Interstellar_ was a great movie.

it flowed at a good speed and

(though I'm confused what happened to TARS at the end)

...and this may be the first film I'd seen in which tidal forces played a role in a movie. {no spagettification, though; it was water}.

Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway were terrific,

and Matt Damon's role was rather surprising, as was (?)Michael Caine's character's twist.

also, it was very nice to see Stargate Command again.

though I am confused about something:
growing up, I always learned that snow was frozen water vapor...so how do you freeze a cloud - into a frozen cloud?

never mind about the O'Neills...can't wrap my head around why/when those were there.

stargate universe, movie review, movie rec, stargate sg1, actress, astronomy, interstellar, movies, actors

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