'Dying on a Prayer' thoughts

Nov 16, 2014 00:00

Reasonably satisfied with the episode.

The opening credits, however...
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grimm, tv series, episode, golem, spoilers, wesen

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trobadora November 16 2014, 14:38:14 UTC
...why is Hitler back in the credits again?

*sighs* I'm so with you on this - I really wish that was gone for good.

I can breathe a little easier now.

I'm glad! I think in general this show is pretty good with not picking up the skeevier aspects of its sources, but yeah, I wouldn't want to put my faith in that either.

not sure why the stepdad needed to be a Troll...or needed to be a Wesen at all

I think may just be Wesen-of-the-week syndrome, and the usual Wesen-as-metaphor-for-human-excesses, but maybe it's also specifically for Nick. I mean, he's been feeling helpless with all the Wesen stuff, not being a Grimm, but here you have a case that does involve Wesen but where being a Grimm wouldn't have helped in the slightest. That's something he probably needed.

though the timing is interesting - they only start throwing bricks after a Hexenbiest moves in

I'm not sure they're aware of who Elizabeth is? Certainly antagonising her would be a lot more dangerous than going after Monroe and Rosalee on their own.

One wonders if she' ( ... )


rodlox November 16 2014, 21:40:40 UTC
that was me; sorry.


rodlox November 16 2014, 21:42:32 UTC
>but where being a Grimm wouldn't have helped in the slightest. That's something he probably needed.
excellent point - I hadn't considered that (but wish i had)

though the Devils Advocate part of me, pipes up with "but then why not start off (halfway or third-way in) with Nick thinking the Golem's a Wesen*, and then realize what you pointed out?"

* = in a way, he sorta did...with everyone searching the Grimm Archives (for want of a better term)

>I'm not sure they're aware of who Elizabeth is? Certainly antagonising her would be a lot more dangerous
true, but Hexenbiests seem to be like Grimm - after their history, there's pretty much nobody who seems to like them on general principles.

also, given how many of the onscreen groups seem to have/had spies and informants and plants, I figured that *somebody* knew who/what Elizabeth is...(if nothing else, the Royals probably keep an eye on her)


trobadora November 16 2014, 22:16:06 UTC
I don't disagree at all! I think it worked the way it was, but they could have done it differently and made it work without any Wesen in it at all.

true, but Hexenbiests seem to be like Grimm - after their history, there's pretty much nobody who seems to like them on general principles.

Yeah, that's true. No one seems to like them, and for good reason, it appears!

(if nothing else, the Royals probably keep an eye on her)

From what I remember, Elizabeth was in hiding before this, but coming to Portland must have put her back on the Royals' radar. I wonder if we're going to see some fallout from that ...


rodlox November 17 2014, 04:02:01 UTC
heck, if they HAD to use a Wesen, why a Troll? if the idea is that anybody can have a monster inside...why not an Eisenbe(sp) - angered, rodents can be scarier than primates. the massive tusks of a troll don't make me think boar - make me think chimp.

at the very least, the King probably knew {where Elizabeth was}


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