* Blutbad or Coyotl?
(and if we hadn't seen previews with the blowfish wesen, wouldn't those reddened eyes make us think of the tsetse wesen of a few weeks ago?)
* How is it Bud hasn't made Juliette utterly panicked by now?
* not a full woge, Bud...you've still got fingers. :)
* I think Juliette was more alarmed by Monroe's voice than by his Blutbad appearance.
* "Anybody got a drink?" "Oh god yes." :)
* This is the second episode in a row, where Rosalee's been scared to say hi to Juliette. (or scared that Juliette's showed up)
* I swear, when the camera went from Rosalee (having just woged to full-faced Fuchsbau) to Juliette, I half expected Juliette to say "that's it? all the shit I've gone through this past year, and that's it?"
* "You know your brother well." "Never well enough." Gives me the feeling that there's a lot of horror stories Renard's lived through.
...so perhaps the canton in Portland was a sort of...reinbursement for everything Eric put Renard through?
* this seems to be a sort of wesen who can't use their powers without first making a full woge into noticability by everyone -- unlike pretty much all the others, who can use their powers while still looking perfectly human by everyone else.
* dare I ask how many of those shipping crates are his?
* humor! "better put these {flowers} in water before they woge".
* ah...explains the secrecy...and still - oh shtum!