
Jan 25, 2013 22:15

Also, snagged from Seren_CCD:

The first TEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level. (If you absolutely can't write, maybe find a creative alternative?)

(crossovers are permitted)


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rodlox January 26 2013, 14:51:43 UTC
(takes place early in 2.01, before the family reunion)

"I know you," Emma said to another woman in a bar a dozen miles down the road from Storybrooke's border.

"Is that so?" Joan asked, not turning her head. At least she sounds sober, unlike a lot of the people who use that line on me on the rare occassion I'm in a bar.

"You came with your family, and I was one of the kids hoping to be fostered or adopted - and then you left."

Joan turned and looked at her. "You're right," recognizing her. "We didn't get anyone - we left because my grandmother had just died."

"Oh. Sorry. That sucks."

"Yeah," Joan agreed. "Have a seat," and Emma did. "So, almost-sis, did you do good without us?"

Emma smiled. "Yeah, I think so. Fell in love, had a great job," even if both of those eventually came to an end - the job because of Henry walking through my door on my birthday. "You?"

"Did so-so in school, was a top-flight surgeon. Now I'm working with a police consultant."

"Deputy sheriff for a town a few miles north of here," Emma said. "Storybrooke's sheriff died a few months ago, and his replacement still hasn't shown up, so I'm holding down the fort until he does." Seriously, with all the tales Henry's book touches on, how is it there was only one cop?

"Doing a fine job."

"I think so. Even with the weirdness that..." and sighed. "Things that just shouldn't be."

"As a very wise man once told me, 'when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however implausible, must be true.'"

"Sounds like it belongs in a book," Emma said. Then again, so does that entire town.

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was - sometimes it feels like he's testing my intelligence one way, then playing name-that-quote wouldn't be far off."

Want to trade? I try your life, you try mine? "At any rate, the problem is what I'm dealing with, is the impossible. And its still happening."

"And its just up the road?" Joan asked.

Emma nodded.

"I'll see what I can do."


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