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lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 04:53:53 UTC
* seriously? seriously, we here "the ogres have returned" and see our first ogre in the same episode? are the writers afraid the show will be cancelled halfway through season 2?
Nah, I think they just have a lot of ground to cover.

* They're at the castle already? Unless Snow White has a summer palace and a winter palace, I'm starting to suspect that the 19th century natural historians were right: its a small world after all.... I just kind of assumed that there was a time lapse? That they were probably walking for a few days before they go there.

* ooh, two-headed snake! (we've seen him before, haven't we?) Indeed we have. That's the snake that was used to kill King Leopold. Regina must have kept it after.

* "I should be learning to ride horses and fight with swords!" I think what he meant is that he'd expected to be in FTL once the curse broke and living a Fairytale life. I don't think he expected it to be so complicated.

* and Mulan appoints Snow as the new power in the land? after less than a week back in FTL? My suspicion is that Mulan didn't know who she was initially and then possibly didn't believe it was her until she saw her in action, but now that she does know it's her I imagine she respects her, Snow seemed to have quite the good repuatation in FTL and was well respected and liked so I'm sure that Mulan knows that.


rodlox October 16 2012, 05:19:57 UTC
I think I need better glasses...I initially thought your icon was of the 11th Doctor and a young Amy Pond...so I was wondering "when was there a rabbit in their show?"

>Regina must have kept it after
aw, and people say she's not sentimental. ;)

>but now that she does know it's her I imagine she respects her, Snow seemed to have quite the good repuatation in FTL and was well respected and liked so I'm sure that Mulan knows that.
...which goes back to making me think FTL is not a very large landmass. (that or news of events don't get warped in the transmission (like how Prester John was how the reports of Genghis Khan sounded to Europeans of the 13th Century)


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 05:27:14 UTC
LOL Um no, that'd be Jefferson and Grace! LOL THIS is Amelia Pond...

aw, and people say she's not sentimental. ;) LOL clearly she was planning ahead...

...which goes back to making me think FTL is not a very large landmass. It probably isn't actually. I'm sure the kingdoms border each other - makes it more impressive that Snow stayed hidden as long as she did. I'll laugh aloud if it turns out it's like the same size as Storybrooke or something.


rodlox October 16 2012, 05:48:27 UTC
did she set a fish finger on fire? looks like it.
(my bad)

>makes it more impressive that Snow stayed hidden as long as she did
It probably helped that Snow wasn't high on the To Do list of some monarchs as she was on others.

> I'll laugh aloud if it turns out it's like the same size as Storybrooke or something.
given the archetectural variety, that would be startling. (the Whites' castle looks like it was built by drunk elves and lincoln logs; Aurora was sleeping alongside a building that was probably built during the time of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs; Rumplestiltskin's castle looked more classically/stereotypically Medieval European)

and to paraphrase an old song, "and who has a uniform like Mulan's?"


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 07:35:23 UTC
LOL Um no?

That's true, she was mostly just on the Queen's radar at that point.

BWAH your description of the castles cracked me up.


rodlox October 16 2012, 09:03:46 UTC
>LOL Um no?
my Doctor muse just looked at me and asked "why would anyone set a fishfinger on fire?"...and promptly set about to figure out who or what would do something like that.

meanwhile, my Ace and Romana and Leela muses are laughing. my Susan muse is chuckling revengefully, which is slightly worrying.

>That's true, she was mostly just on the Queen's radar at that point.
and while its a bad idea to refuse to help the Queen (particularly if you were in firing range of her properties)...one could always fine just one more thing that needed doing. "oh I'd love to set my army to finding that girl for you, Queen Regina; but I need my army to kill the dragon-locusts that are eating the food that should go to my tax base. So, maybe if you help me on this one thing...?"

>BWAH your description of the castles cracked me up.
thank you.

at times, I wonder how the Storybrooke folks would react to some of the stories we read...
ie, someone reads the contents of The One Ring to Rumplestiltskin - "one ring to find them all...and in the darkness, bind them"
...and Rumplestiltskin says "no idea - not anyone I've met or heard of."


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 16:08:31 UTC
Sounds like your muses are having a party LOL

"oh I'd love to set my army to finding that girl for you, Queen Regina; but I need my army to kill the dragon-locusts that are eating the food that should go to my tax base. So, maybe if you help me on this one thing...?"
:) HAHAHA the idea of procrastinating rulers is hilarious.

Well presumably since they've all lived in our world for 28 years, at some point some of them have probably read such books...


rodlox October 16 2012, 17:42:12 UTC
oh god, don't give them that idea.

>procrastinating rulers
its perfectly normal politics.

>Well presumably since they've all lived in our world for 28 years, at some point some of them have probably read such books
certainly Charming told Henry that he (Charming) knew of the Hatter only because David Nolan had read Alice in Wonderland...though then you get into issues of how accurate the stories are. (or which version of a tale is accurate)

some might consider that a good reason for Regina to have closed the library. I think it was because Henry ran away one day and hid in the library, and got hurt in there.


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 19:10:17 UTC
some might consider that a good reason for Regina to have closed the library. Now *that* is a very interesting thought. Perhaps people were reading the stories and it started to trigger some memories in some people so she shut it down?


rodlox October 16 2012, 19:19:59 UTC
nice theory...but one problem: unless Regina or someone else in the town's power structure knew that FTL was a reality, wouldn't anyone who starts to remember (pre-Emma's Return), just be tossed in the town sanitarium?


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 19:22:29 UTC
I'm pretty sure Regina knew. And yes, I'm sure she did imprison anyone who remembered as a precaution but people might get suspicious if that happened too often so probably it would be easier to just shut down the potential source of memories.


rodlox October 16 2012, 19:27:24 UTC
eh, I don't think Regina knew - in the sense that she didn't know she was the Queen & magical. (I think Regina only started remembering, either when Emma arrived or when the clock began to move)

>but people might get suspicious if that happened too often
we're talking about a town with enough children to fully employ an arsenal of teachers and therapists...and nobody noticed that Henry was the only person who was aging.
"oblivious" would be a polite understatement. :)


rodlox October 16 2012, 06:05:45 UTC
just had a thought...

>LOL Um no, that'd be Jefferson and Grace! LOL THIS is Amelia Pond
hm, that'd be a crossover...the Doctor shows up (with or sans Amy), and takes young Grace like he meant to take young Amy.

and in Storybrooke, would Jefferson be the chief suspect? (or did only Regina know he kept an eye on his daughter?)

...and really, on either side of the curse's ending, who in Storybrooke would really believe in a blue police box?


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 07:35:58 UTC
HAHAHA That would be hilarious.


rodlox October 16 2012, 08:51:36 UTC

...though it has me wondering: if the TARDIS appears in town, and the Doctor tries to leave by walking over the spraypainted line...what happens to him?
(does he revert to an earlier self? ie, 11th becomes 9th ?)


lorelaisquared October 16 2012, 16:09:46 UTC
Huh, interesting question. Although I think the line only affects those who were affected by the curse (ie Henry could still leave safely)


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