OUAT 2.02 review thoughts

Oct 08, 2012 02:13

2.02: We are Both:

but this ep makes one wonder: ( Read more... )

speculation, episode, once upon a time, othello, episode review, thoughts, othello fanfiction

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rodlox October 8 2012, 07:43:45 UTC
thank you for your considered and well-thought reply.

yeah, I thought the "this land is the fairest of them all" was both a nod to the fairytale, but also to when the Queen was at the fire with those other fairytale badguys, and she was asked if they would all be happy in the new world.

>I really don't think she would destroy the town
I agree. For one thing, if Gold can't cross that line...

>It's sad, really.
its like she said to Henry - that she hasn't known love for a long time. (and as I said in another post, that was pretty much just from her dad)

...its not an excuse -- its an explanation.

*has an idea* wait...Cora was Rumplestiltskin's wife...who ran away from a coward husband; she then learned magic, then met Regina's father.

>the Miller's Daughter
I need to find that story.
I only know the tale of the Miller's son - (taken by the Nixie of the Millpond)

>I suspect it's going to end up being a lot more complicated than that...
entirely possible.
I've heard some suggest that Cora=Red Queen.

I suspect that whether she returned as part of an army, or leading an army, she returned while everyone else was either gone or asleep (those 28 years)

...and I think we might be seeing an ogre next week. I have high hopes, seeing them, after they kept the humans at bay for untold number of generations....but I recognize that they might be slavering brutes in the ep. (result of the 28-year-magic, Cora, or supposedly like that always...remains to be seen)


lorelaisquared October 8 2012, 20:59:35 UTC
You are welcome!

yeah, I thought the "this land is the fairest of them all" was both a nod to the fairytale, but also to when the Queen was at the fire with those other fairytale badguys, and she was asked if they would all be happy in the new world.

Ooh yes, good catch. I didn't even think of that. I do think though, that for Regina, she see's our world as better for her and happier for her than in Fairytale land, which I think says a lot about her backstory and is actually kind of sad.

I agree. For one thing, if Gold can't cross that line... Ha! Yes true. I don't think she'd want to anyway, not unless she had to to get to Henry...

that was pretty much just from her dad Well that makes sense because from what I've picked up, Daniel and her dad was the only people she's ever really loved until Henry.

.Cora was Rumplestiltskin's wife...who ran away from a coward husband; she then learned magic, then met Regina's father. hmm maybe? But I'm not so sure I think there's a lot more to that story. I'm looking forward to it being revealed - eventually.

I need to find that story.
I only know the tale of the Miller's son - (taken by the Nixie of the Millpond) In the traditional tale of Rumplestiltskin there is a miller's daughter who is imprisoned by a king and told she must spin hay into gold. She can't do it, but a strange man appears and does it for her in exchange for something (I can't remember what, a necklace or something). The next day the king is pleased and sends her to a second room with even more hay to spin into gold. Again the strange man helps her. On the third day, there is even more hay to spin and this time the man tells her he will help her in exchange for her first born child. The king is so pleased with the gold that he either marries her or his son does? I can't really remember, it's been ages since I've read it, but it's something like that.

Anyway, down the road, she's pregnant with her first child and the man comes back to collect. She of course doesn't want to give up her baby so he tells her that she has 3 guesses to guess his name and if she does then she's free, otherwise she has to give him the baby. Her first two guesses are wrong. The night before her 3rd guess someone (a guard I think) overhears him in the forest dancing around a fire and cackling that she'll never guess that his name is Rumplestiltskin. So of course the next day she guesses his name and gets to keep the baby.

That's the basic story as I recall it, although I think there may be versions where she doesn't guess it. I'm sure Once will be twisting that story even further than they already have and I can't wait to see what they come up with. I'm sure it will be brilliant.

I've heard some suggest that Cora=Red Queen. I've heard that too. I think it's an interesting theory. Could explain why the Queen of Hearts had her father captive.

I'm really looking forward to next week. I want to know more about the fairy tale land that has been for the past 28 years. I think it will be fascinating.


rodlox November 22 2012, 09:04:43 UTC
been thinking it over lately....perhaps the mirror didn't send Cora to Wonderland - perhaps the "annoyingly specific land" was the Netherland which is afflicting Henry and Aurora?

(or its our world...a world without magic would be a pretty effective punishment for someone who relies heavily on magic)
; Cora would be a guinea pig for him - if she can survive, then Rumpelstiltskin knows he has a chance)


lorelaisquared November 22 2012, 11:38:40 UTC
Hmmm it's an interesting idea but I'm not so sure. The netherland seems like it's pretty hard to get to and I think it's a different thing. Also I dont' know if it would be possible to get there through a portal. It didn't sound that way when Gold was explaining it to Regina and Henry.

If he sent her to our world how did she end up stuck in what remains of FTL? Also there are other lands without magic I think - Doctor Whale's for example.

Anyway I still think it's more likely she was sent to Wonderland - there are too many little clues about that I think - the looking glass, the thing with the hearts, the fact that the Queen of Hearts had Regina's dad captive and Regina said they had a long history... All of that points to Cora being the Queen of Hearts. I'm hoping we'll find out more about Cora soon, I'm curious.


rodlox November 22 2012, 16:18:46 UTC
>If he sent her to our world how did she end up stuck in what remains of FTL?
to quote from the Babylon Five movie, "but in our haste to leave, we forgot that a door may swing both ways." (I love that line)

...basically, if she was in our world, then Cora was returned to FTL - deliberately or accidentally - when everyone else was moved to Storybrooke.

> Also there are other lands without magic I think - Doctor Whale's for example.
I thought I heard someone onscreen say there has to be at least a littttttle magic in a land, in order for the hat to make a connection.

>the fact that the Queen of Hearts had Regina's dad captive
good point.
(the only other reason why her dad might be targetted for capture and containment, would be that the Queen of Hearts found out that the dad was the only thing Regina cared about. I suspect the snarks are secret police and-or spies)

just realized this: no matter who the Queen of Hearts is, the same math that left Jefferson in Wonderland after Regina rescued her dad...would have trapped one of the Queen of Hearts' people in FTL during the capture-Regina's-dad mission.


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