Covert Affairs: "This is not America"

Aug 14, 2012 23:33

yet more motivation for me to get off my duff and get back to making icons.

* ghod, Annie, say it any louder, and Rossabi could hear you in the Hoover building. *sigh*

* when Auggie was told his bail had been posted, I had this hope - faint and tenuous, I admit - that it had been paid by Liza Hearn.

* when Joan mentioned the American stuff in the missile, my first thought was "from Simon?" (that'd be continuity from the theft, after all, right?)

* aaaaand the return of Eyal Lavin.

his airport sign appeared to read

(in hindsight, it was probably Hebrew - can Annie read it, or just speak it?)

* the first few times Isaac talked about the love of his life, I thought he was cryptically referring to a pet project of his, something he had built up from a napkin into a working prototype.
(computers are "she" in Hebrew, right? like ships in English?)

...later, I thought "aha, all the secrecy is because Isaac's in love with a Palestinean woman."

* Eyal's a dad. so who's going to write the fic where Annie gets to talk with the boy? :)

* on that call - seriously, don't think Joan's trained well enough to avoid giving you any hint of if it was/wasn't her who asked for the review?

* I like Auggie's therapist. balances well the traits of
- open (about the stakes)
- unafraid of him
- honest (also honest about why she'd lie for him)
- respectful of him
- didya see her expression when Auggie said "I really hope you're here - otherwise I just made a grand entrance for nothing."

...okay, I like her accent too. so sue me.

* speaking of psychological tricks, when Eyal said "You're right, why would anyone want to speak Hebrew in Jerusalem?", I had two thoughts:
- "The kid's bonding with a fellow Anglophone about the accent. You were happy to talk about the greatness of the Hebrew language in Germany and the USA."
- "That's a rather bald-faced attempt to get Isaac to say if he's working for Israel's enemies."

* aaaand its the American's girlfriend. most of me wishes it wasn't her - partly because that way we'd get a double episode with Annie and Eyal running around.

* so, which of Arthur's enemies hate him enough they want him in China? (i imagine he falls from there, its a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng way down)

* Joan is pissed. again.

* oh dear...Annie may be unintentionally heading toward double agent territory (or Ames-size leak)
...and everyone is watching Auggie ever-so-closely-and-carefully.

annie, language, annie walker, episode, episode review, eyal, languages, covert affairs

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