movie: TED

Jul 07, 2012 02:51


a good movie.

(walk-on appearances by Norah Jones and (sam jones? the man who portrayed Flash Gordon in the films/shows).

...though they could have cut half the brief drug use and sex jokes without losing anything.

Though, fair disclaimer: the baseball scene made me think of the first _Night At The Museum_ movie.

Like they said in the interviews (Daily Show, among others), they wanted to make the film as plausible as possible, and IMHO they succeeded admirably. actually, in the Daily Show interview, they said they wanted to make it as lifelike as possible - like the guy was fighting Jason Bourne)

8.5/10 stars.

possible crossover material with: Night at the Museum or Warehouse 13.

PS: if you've seen the commercial promos for the movie, you know there's a scene where Mila Kunis' character finds Ted sitting with some girls. WARNING: that scene also has a large pile of poo (literally).

movie, movie review, movie recs, ted

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