!20 years of Highlander!

May 17, 2012 15:11

I know I'll be taking part...I was in the Highlander fandom a long time, so its the least I can do.

I hope you join in the fun and festivities.

and here's a forwarded message on the subject:

Highlander the series first aired on Oct 3, 1992 with our favorite Highlander sticking his younger cousin with some of the stories and a charge of snagging all the good women. (Baseless calumny, but a great excuse for a 'discussion.') So what happens 20
years later? What would they do differently now from what they did then? What's 20 years to them? (It's a lot to the rest of us, but hey!) We
couldn't resist marking the occasion with a challenge… or three. It's
Highlander -- challenges are de rigeur.

We're looking at three
possibilities, to be interpreted as widely or precisely as you like, all
of them due by Oct 3 to be included in the collection. And yes, we
will post reminders as the summer wears on, so we don't all forget.
Each challenge has its own post for discussion, prompts, and idea
comments. There's any number of ways to participate.

The Timestamp Challenge: Take one of your stories, or a story that an author has offered up for this, and
write a sequel to the story set either 20 years later, or in 2012, your choice. Make sure you have the author's permission, please! Or, for
that matter, do fanart for 20 years later, or a fanmix of music, write poetry… a previously posted story or art and 20 years later/2012 is all we ask. Authors, if you're willing to give permission for other authors to timestamp one or more of your stories, please sign up here.

Highlander: 2012 Reboot: If the series were starting now, what stories would they tell? For
that matter, who would they cast? What music/musicians would show up
this time around? (If you think we'd love fanmixes and fantasy casting posts/icons/banners? You're right.) What would they have done

20 Years: The Immortal View: "A thousand
years is but a day in your sight." 20 years for immortals is not the
same as 20 years for the rest of us -- but what is it like for them?
What's it like for Richie as opposed to Darius, or Methos? Bring us your meta, your poetry, your characters musing on time and tides and lives -- run with it!

Crossovers are acceptable on any of these
challenges, but please remember this is a HL challenge. We would love
vids (ohmigod would we love vids!), art, icons, banners, poetry, filk,
meta, musings, podfic, Twitter war fics, epistolary/email stories…. If
you've got questions on any of it, please email the mods or ask at the FAQ post and we'll be glad to discuss it with you. Really, if it gets us more Highlander, we'll probably happily run with your idea.

To Sign Up:
1. Read the Rules and the FAQ.
2. Reply to http://hl-chronicles.livejournal.com/1160.html (the LJ post) http://hl-chronicles.dreamwidth.org/432.html (the DW post). (You can play even without a DW or LJ ID.
Either post at AO3 and ask us to link, or just send us what needs to be
posted and we'll put it up for you.)

Or, you know, just join one of the communities and watch for the fun to start. We started this... um, right before the Avengers came out (which is why I'm so late posting this to lists -- sorry!) and we already have one fic and two pieces of art up!

Hope you enjoy!




festival, highlander, news, meta

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