Discussion: how many types of stories are there?

Apr 16, 2012 02:34

I started making a list for an OUAT fic, but I know I'm missing entire groups in it. I'm trying to arrange at least a sampling of stories for each type -- and how many types of stories there are.
and I don't mean the classic Man Vs Man, Man Vs Nature we all learned in English class

Type One: Hero tales. (baddies are defeated by a person or team of people; there may be a rescue)
Examples: Snow White, Sleeping Beauty.

Type Two: Endure tales. (there is no rescue or defeats; any victories are by virtue of surviving beyond the hard times)
Examples: Book of Job, The Hunger Games.

Type Three: Prosperity/Loyalty tales. (battles and rescues are not the point of the story; the aim is to show, for example, that loyalty is valued more than riches)
Examples: Sinuhe the Sailor.

Type Four: ?
Examples: ?

stories, once upon a time, discussion, tales, meta

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