Grimm ficlet: "A minor detail"

Mar 10, 2012 02:26

Title: "A minor detail"
Rating: PG(-13)
Summary: "So, just to recap, not only are we going into the Daemonfeuer's lair, we don't have any plan, can't use a gun, and you're asking a Blutbad to rescue a redhead?"
Missing scene to: Plumed Serpent.
Spoilers for: "Pilot" & "The Three Wolves" & "Plumed Serpent".
warning: Monroe's trying to channel Jayne (Firefly)
Disclaimer: none of the characters are mine. they belong to GRIMM.

As they made their way towards the lair, with Monroe driving them, and shortly after Nick hadn't answered the question of what the plan was - Monroe asked it: "Anything I need to be careful of?"

"You mean besides the fire-breathing Wesen?" Nick asked.

"No, I mean... This Juliette, whom as I've said, I'm cool with only meeting tonight, was she wearing a scarlet teddy when she was taken?"

"What? Where did that come from?"


"Is this because I found you ogling one of the Daemonfleurs when she was half-naked and eating fire?"

"No. Maybe a little, no, definately not. You really forgot, didn't you?" Monroe asked.

"I'm sure I didn't," Nick said.

"So, just to recap, not only are we going into the Daemonfeuer's lair, we don't have any plan, can't use a gun, and you're asking a Blutbad to rescue a redhead?"

"Oh. That. Look, if there was any other way -- Wait a minute, maybe there's no problem."

"Dude, it doesn't matter if she's a bottle redhead or not," Monroe said. "Found that out in college."

"And we'll talk about that later. But lairs aren't well-lit. So your sensitivity to red might not kick in...right?" Nick asked, trying to remember if Juliette had been wearing any red clothes today.

"I suppose. And I've been working on my self-control. You know, since that whole fiasco with my old girlfriend and the..." the Pig.

Nick nodded. "Glad to hear it. Look, I'll deal with the Daemonfeuers. You just get Juliette out of there, make sure she's safe - and after that, I don't care what you do; run back in the lair, climb a tree, go wee wee wee all the way home."

"That's just hurtful," Monroe said.

"There's the lair," Nick said, as it came into view.

the end

grimm fanfiction, grimm, missing scene

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