Meme: Letter & character

Feb 29, 2012 22:42

Thank you, Sabaceanbabe...for the A:

Here's the meme:

1. Leave a comment to this post!
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Post the names of five fictional characters whose names begin with that letter, and your thoughts on each. The characters can be from books, movies, or TV shows.

1. Archie Leech. Taught Parker everything she needed to know, "and set her loose upon the world." Smart enough to know what to do and when - and to know when to listen, and to know when a simple plan is best. And was the closest thing to a good father that Parker ever had.

2. Isaac Asimov. The man. The legend. The writer. Hero of yids and goy alike. Genius intellect and one who was concerned with the human side of the equation (displayed well in The Ugly Little Boy where the hero is a Neandertal child in the modern day).
(sorry - thought you said real or fictional)

2b. Amita Ramanujan. A brilliant mind that could have done anything, but chose to remain with friends. An excellent defeater of crime through thinking and math. Clever, witty, and possessed of a great sense of humor.

3. Archie Goodwin. (a walking sense of humor, it seems sometimes). Able to banter and trade quips with the legendary Nero Wolfe, to run nearly cross-city when the ocassion requires it, and knows when to sit back and watch someone talk themselves into a corner.

4. Alvin, a Hoon ab-Guthatsa-ul-Rousit (given brains by the Guthatsa, the Hoons later gave brains to the Rousit). A Hoon young adult who embarks on an adventure with his friends in a curious corner of the cosmos. Alvin seeks to do more than be a master sailor like all his people living in hiding - while out in the cosmos, his kind are lawyers. Universe: The Uplift Cycle: Brightness Reef trilogy.

5. Alec Hardison. Smart, good with computers, clever and able to defend himself verbally. And one of Parker's closest friends.

asimov, leverage, numb3rs, isaac asimov, hardison, amita, hoon, amita ramanujan, uplift, parker, nero wolfe

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