Meme: random songs

Nov 15, 2011 03:28

insomnia won, so...

from Hazel Eyes 86...
You can learn a lot about someone by the music they listen to. Hit shuffle on your iPod or mp3 player and write down the first 20 songs. No cheating or skipping songs that are shameful. That is the fun!

1. Anni Yi: Yi Neng Jing-Yi Qian Bian Wo Ai Ni
2. Lucie Idlout: Sorry
3. Sarah MacLachlan: Stupid
4. Bloodkin: Never in vain
5. Lucie Idlout: Tonight
6. The Temptations: Just my imagination (running away with me)
7. Lucie Idlout: Belly Down
8. 阿蘭 : 玻璃杯
9. Asobi Seksu: Thursday (at Olympic Studios)
10. Dolly Parton: God won't get you
11. 35 songs free from eMusic
12. 阿蘭 : 玻璃杯
13. Lucie Idlout: Belly Down.
14. Dolly Parton: God won't get you
15. Lucie Idlout: I (will rise for you)
16. Bloodkin: Never in vain
17. 阿蘭 : 醉清風
18. Hai Ming Wei: 我的回忆不是我的 (粤语)('your recollection is not mine' by Hai Ming Wei and Vincy Chan)
19. 阿蘭 : 你到底愛誰
20. Assembly of Dust: Straight (featuring Theresa Andersson)

music, meme

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