Crossover ficlet: "After the Queen" (Primeval/Queen of Swords)

Jul 04, 2011 00:49

Title: After the Queen.
Crossover: Queen of Swords / Primeval.

Characters: Lady Emily Page (photo), La Reina (photo at wiki)
Summary: What do you do when you're in the past with time to kill? Well, there's always revenge.

Requested by: prochytes.
who requested: Primeval/Queen of Swords: Emily Merchant and Tessa Alvarado. Duel.

Note: it isn't too late to request drabbles - or to request more drabbles. please do.
Disclaimer: I own neither canon character. Nor do I have any cannons for Colonel Montoya.
warning: from what I could hear onscreen, Jess and Emily said she was from some point in the 1870s. if I misheard, my apologies.
Circa early 1820s

"You need to leave Senorita Alvarado alone," the Queen of Swords informed Emily Page, here in the dry scrublands of Alta California.

Dressed in British trousers - from 2010, though would not look out of place in her home 1870s - Emily looked at the lace-framed eyes of her opponent, and shook her head. Just once, but she felt it was sufficient. "No," Emily said.

"If its trouble you're after, I'm your girl," the Queen said. "No need to trouble anyone else."

Emily considered that a moment. 'The Queen of Swords was just as responsible as Tessa Alvarado was in this whole mess,' was one statement - one of a great many which added up in the formative mind of Emily when she had been little. "Very well," and drew her sword. The sword had been easy enough to lift off of a local soldier shortly after she was in town confronting Tessa. Ethan would have been proud, Emily thought wryly to herself. Or he would have beaten me to it.

"Do you know how to use that?" the Queen asked, lips smiling while her voice was level.

Emily attributed that to the corset the Queen seemed to be wearing outside her clothes. "I don't need it to kill you, but I doubt you'll fight me without it."

The Queen chuckled. "I don't know who you are," and left it dangling like that.

Your friend Senorita Tessa Alvarado made herself an enemy of my family. My grandparents were forced to leave for her ancestral home in England. My father married their daughter and swore not to let her or friends of hers escape justice. Now I can - no, I have the chance to prevent it all from happening. No dishonor. "I am Lady Emily Merchant." Emily Vera Merchant.

"Well then, Lady Emily, maybe you should -" the Queen started to say, and stopped when Emily strode at her, sword at the ready.

The duel had begun.

"Not bad," the Queen said. "I've seen better, though."

"Arrogance. Just like I was told."

"Really? Someone mentioned little ol' me? Who?"

I'm starting to see Ethan's logic in not engaging the other person in much conversation. "Why? So you can go after them?"

"And here I thought you were here to kill me," the Queen said, amused.

"I will. Make no mistake of that," Emily said.

Just then, coming from a hillside not terribly far away and racing closer on horseback, came the cry "ITS THE QUEEN!" from a soldier, followed by his fellow soldiers, led by Captain Grisham himself.

"Can this wait?" the Queen asked Emily. "I think they want to chase me for a while."

"I'll be here," Emily threatened. Unless an Anomaly opens. If that happens, I have a hard choice to make.
the end

emily merchant, crossover, lady emily merchant, tessa, la reina, drabble, ficlet, queen of swords fanfiction, requested, the queen of swords fanfiction, emily, the queen of swords, queen of swords

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