Hanna review

May 29, 2011 19:02

well, I saw Hanna.

What was it like? You know how (spoilers!) Evelyn Salt and Jason Bourne both wanted to be allowed to live a normal life? How they had hopes and goals?

well......Hanna had none of that.

I had heard so many good things about the casting* for this movie, and I got excited when I heard about the plot, and -

And then I sat through longer fish-out-of-water scenes than I saw in Waterworld. Yes, we get it, Mr. Director, she's a stranger in a strange land who watches us like she's one of Wells' Martians.

* = not just Kate Winslett and Eric Bana, but also alumnus from Primeval and Dollhouse.

And it turns out she isn't a good fighter because she's spent her entire life learning to hunt and kill and be unseen - oh no, it turns out she's an emotionless killer because she was genetically engineered to be one.
(but we will never be able to compare raised-in-wilderness Hanna with one of her gene-sibs raised in a suburb, because she's the only one who wasn't killed as a toddler)

The best part of this movie, is the symetry of ending with the same sentance it opened with: "I just missed your heart," followed by a bullet.

movie, movie review

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