an I-Man movie? please vote for it

Feb 28, 2011 12:00

This isn't the first I've heard of an Invisible Man movie being made - I think she's the same one who was urging one be made shortly after the end of the series.

I haven't used this forum in ages, but I'm trying to reach as many I-Man
fans as possible.

I've entered the Dockers Wear the Pants Project Contest for a chance to
win a grant of $100k to help fund my movie to reunite the cast of I-Man.
I've already heard back from Vincent Ventresca, Paul Ben-Victor, Mike
McCafferty, and Eddie Jones about this contest; and Vince is contacting
Shannon for me. The guys are all very supportive!

But I need votes to get me into the top five! There are only two weeks
left and I'm trailing behind in votes! More I-Man fans helping out is
needed. The cast wants to get together again in a film. Do you want to
see that happen? If so, would you please vote for me?

If you want to help, please go to

and click the "Like" button to accept the app and then click the red
button under
my picture to vote. You're allowed to vote once per day.

For more information go to my website at

Thank you! Your help is appreciated!


the invisible man, invisible man, contest, news, meta

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