Primeval birthday gift: "Inquiline's first night"

Feb 08, 2011 01:08

Dedicated to: Munchkinofdoom. Happy Birthday!

Title: Inquiline’s First Night.

Author: Keenir.
Wordcount: 1445.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Creature death and Helen whumping (off-camera)
Summary: It is Helen’s first evening and night in the Permian…and she find she isn’t alone.

‘Inquiline. An animal living in another’s nest, burrow, etc.’
Thanks to: Babnol for the beta. But mostly to Fredbassett for giving me geology pointers, and for keeping me from going off a corrie - that would have hurt.

Disclaimer: I own none of the characters. I’m only playing with them, and will put them back when I finish.

birthday!fic, primeval, primeval fanfiction, permian, birthday fic, helen, helen cutter

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