updated gift list (to and from)

Jan 12, 2011 01:47


note: if you gave me something, and I haven't mentioned it here, feel free to hit me upside the head and remind me; sometimes I forget.


Gifts from me:

(he said) she said he said, a Highlander fic written for Taz. has crossover mentions of Lindsey Davis' Falco, and of Blood Ties. but mostly its a crossover with Rome.

Thoughts in a wait, which started with one of the slashiest Hawaii Five-0 prompts ever...and became Danno's thoughts on loyalty.

The female of the species, a Primeval fic written for Fredbassett. AU: Helen isn't the one who vanished 8 years ago.

8 minutes and on, a Numb3rs fic set in one of my longest-lived AUs.

The boys are in, for Vyola, who asked for a look at the twins in Jekyll.

The both of them are okay, a Supernatural/Numb3rs crossover...Dean/Lisa, Jo/Amita.

Surf & The Green Isle (WIP)...Harry Dresden in Five-0's Hawaii. What could go wrong? :)

Left Graceless. A possible answer to the question "if Danny went to Hawaii for Grace, what happens if Grace leaves the picture?"

Avoidance of things for Evilhippo. Sherlock, but looking closer at one of the detectives, and a possible Irene Adler. yes, the final line was deliberate.


Gifts to me (updated)

My Fandom Stocking, full of icons, cards, well-wishes, and a Being Erica ficlet.

The Princess is in another castle by Anon. Hawaii Five-0's Kono and Danny save the day. and save McGarrett's ass.

The Price by Munchkinofdoom. Primeval's Helen Cutter is given a second chance.

an Ipod and book about it and the iTunes.

3 gift cards to Barnes&Noble bookstores.

wireless headphones with well-padded circles around the ears.

The Final Solution by Michael Chabon.

3 books by Gerald Durrell:
-My Family and Other Animals.
-A Zoo In My Luggage.
-The Ark's Anniversary.

Series 1 of Mann and Machine starring Yancey Butler.

the movie Harvey, as mentioned here.

and all 3 seasons of The Greatest American Hero (despite the fact i'm never invited to partake in Secret Santa, I got it for my whole family as a Secret Santa present)

not really a present, but it made me quite happy:

its been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng while since I've been able to find this. I hope you enjoy.


tv series, series, kono, icons, highlander: reunion, mann and machine, primeval, book, tv shows, gifts, pic, danny, gift, icon, helen cutter, christmas presents, michael chabon, the greatest american hero, highlander, books, pics, harvey, hawaii five-0, christmas

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