Movie: Skyline

Nov 16, 2010 01:23

this is all original (except the last part)

Skyline is an okay movie.

if you miss any part of it, miss the first 20 minutes (that's after the previews end)

It took me a while, but I realized something: in the entire film, we never saw any fighting weapons....the aliens used either
- the hypnotic light
- specimen collection rope-tongues (and their attendant Giant Ogre bodies)
- Walking Land Octopus baggies

Not really sure what the dogfights were - their version of swatting a really persistant fly, or an actual fight.

Which means, if we haven't seen their weapons, who knows what's in the sequel that's on its way. (as for me, I hope it has non-humanoid aliens)

it's a pretty good strategy, actually... it removes the problems of transporting massive populations, of ensuring your workers don't revolt (anyone who can overpower the Autopilot, realizes they can't go home), and it removes the "I can't communicate with you - we speak in different frequencies/with different organs/etc" problem.

as I walked home, I thought of how many shows it could be crossed with....NCIS:LA, Terminator (SkyNet drove mankind underground and into hiding....probably saved a lot of lives that otherwise would have been taken by the Skylines), Transformers (the Skylines have a weapon to fight tech-things like the Decepticons and Autobots?), and PREDATOR

movie, movie review, film, aliens, predators, terminator, review, first contact, skyline, films, predator, movies, transformers, alien

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