tonight's _Covert Affairs_

Sep 08, 2010 04:58


he says that only 17 people on Earth know that that info on the Albion Group is a lie.

...but wouldn't those 17 people know that they're the only folks who could reveal it as a lie? (which would basically raise a red flag and neon sign over them)

......and I wonder if it was coincidence that Liza mentioned the Albion Group when she did.

I hope Liza and Auggie get back together.

don't get me wrong - I think Auggie and Annie are good teamed up...but I like Liza more.

et tu? Jai was in Sri Lanka? good grief, either he's the leak, he's helping the AWOL agent, or that agent isn't really AWOL.

and as to what's coming next week:

oh dear.
did I hear that right?: he said "she'd burned now".

paging Michael Westen

auggie anderson, castle fanfiction, episode, episode review, auggie, review, liza hearn, burn notice, liza, covert affairs

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