2 book reviews

May 30, 2010 01:14

Book Doctor Who: Night of the Humans {11th Doctor}
A good book.

* this is set after the first few episodes - Amy mentions having encountered thieves while with the Doctor (River, I suspect), but there's no mention of them being on their way to pick up Rory.

* One of the parts I love about this book, is that it says "my species evolved with no predators" - and then, not only does it give examples of how that effected/affected them, but it doesn't harp endlessly about the difference. (and Amy has a very sweet scene with one of them near the end)

that and there's a temporal distress beacon.

* One of the more questionable parts of the book, was when Amy Pond wonders why the TARDIS isn't translating the language into English for her...and she is told that their language contains sounds humans can't produce and can't hear. um, o-kay.

* I didn't see any of the twists and turns coming regarding the human population...and that was less than a day after I'd seen a movie of the origin of the Lone Ranger (and how he became the Ranger)

The Dresden Files: Changes
Good book.

* I was right in my hunch about what The Archive (aka Ivy) is capable of...which makes her that much scarier.

* We find out why some members of the High Council are so friendly to Harry.

* though I kinda wonder if certain Norse deities are contractually obligated to show up everywhere these days - American Gods, Supernatural, this book, and certainly others. :D

* Harry Dresden against a bunch of demigod-level Red Court vampires.

probably the most fun in the book, was watching Harry go and ask various people - not all of them his friends - if they'd give him a hand.

and if you remember the Winter Queen, she's here. (then again, so is Thomas Raith's sister)

* not sure how I feel with what happened with Murphy. on one hand, it's resolution of her relationship with Harry...but the other part? Lt Murphy, Warrior of God?

* the ending was a surprise, most definately. (I thought it was going to end with Harry going to work)

...and, a page after the ending - a glimpse into one of the author's other series. (which made my first thought be "are we about to have a crossover between the book series?)

series, murphy, amy pond, aliens, books, the archive, book, harry dresden, doctor who, alien

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