Poll: is there interest in a ficathon?

Oct 09, 2007 16:17

Had a thought... once the SGA/SG1 & the rarepairing ficathons are done, would anyone be interested in another ficathon?

warning: my LJ account doesn't allow for proper polls; sorry.

My first instinct is to try to organize a multi-fandom ficathon with the central theme of culture/anthropology...but that's open to change and suggestions.

The initial fandoms would be (and can be added to)
* Stargate: Atlantis
* Stargate: SG-1
* Land of the Lost
* Firefly
* Battlestar Galactica
One restriction would be that it would be a 'verse where the focus is on humans, and there are few if any other intelligences (no Buffy, no Babylon Five)...not sure if Primeval would fit into this ficathon - what do you think?)

Some options are...
* Technology (what sort of society would Cylons make if they didn't have to worry about humans? what missing scenes didn't the Bionic Woman show us? is Merrin still alive?)

* Society (what sort of laws do the kids from 'Childhood's End' have? what did the Ori do before they had worshippers? are the Hands Of Blue a separate caste as the Companions seem to be? are there any cultural practices as extreme or more extreme (in these 'verses) as footbinding on Earth?)

Or I could just run a ficathon for Bionic Woman, Life, Journeyman, and Rome.


hands of blue, life, ficathons, merrin, ori, poll, firefly, rome, journeyman, bionic woman, cylons

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