Doctor Who ep 5.02 (Eleventh Doctor)

Apr 10, 2010 22:35

spoilers here:

* Is it just me, or do those stabby things that were slamming against the cage...did they remind anyone else of Prisoner Zero from last week?

* the Doctor seems a bit (peeved?) that Amy Pond made the sort of unilateral decision that is usually the Doctor's to do. seeing the shoe on the other foot, Doctor?

* curious how they had all that other info on Amy Pond...except for her martial status.

1306 years old? how many candles shall we use, miss?

* Queen Elizabeth the Tenth?

* with how they kept saying "the highest authority", I thought that either the mother of Queen Elizabeth the Tenth was still alive and calling the shots behind the scenes, or we were dealing with something along the lines of a Jagrafess.

* fins, tendrils, and tentacles on the Space Whale?

about next week's ep...

uh, Doctor, whether the Daleks don't remember, or if they simply have had a change of heart, does it really help Blitz-ravaged England to antagonize the Daleks?

(and if the Daleks are helping the UK, can you imagine who's helping Germany? hm, Cybermen in Berlin?)

episode, amy pond, eleventh doctor, review, doctor who

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