Fringe & Supernatural

Apr 01, 2010 21:45

on Supernatural tonight..

When Dean woke up in the car, I said "this is heaven?"...which reminded me of the book title What if we are their heaven?.

"go to the Garden"
hm, now if Dean sees the Axis Mundi as a road, what's he going to see the Garden as? something with "girls!girls!girls!" on the window?

on Fringe...

the intro looks different than last week - the things we see with the words "genetic engineering" and other things, not the same images; this is deliberate, yes?

kinda surprised none of the Generals attended the funeral...sort of a "we're supporting you, so don't fail us" sort of thing.

can't blame Elizabeth for wanting to see more of their kid alive and whole, if not hale and hearty.

wonder if the (ageless?) bald guy held Walternate's attention deliberately long enough for the chemical to re-turn red.

supernatural, episode, fringe, stargate universe fanfiction, spoilers, stargate

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