"all crumple down" (Numb3rs and maybe Lovecraft drabble)

Mar 23, 2010 19:03

Title: All crumple down.
Prompt: #256:Crumple.
Pairings/Characters: David, Colby, Don, Matt Li, Charlie, Liz.
Rating: PG
Summary: Will they be eaten first? (wait, i confused the Warning and Summary; my bad)
Word Count: 166
Spoilers: Janus List, Trust Metric.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Notes: it's only a crossover if you want it to be one.
Warnings: madness (lies) this way.


All the computers crumpled. Not down. In on themselves, with the remains rolling in arcane circles on their tables.

Everyone on the floor could hear Matt Li and Charlie Eppes screaming in pain and ever-increasing madness, but few bothered to listen for the repeated dipthong in the cries.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you," Colby told Don, a restraining hand on his should to keep him out of the computer room.

"Why not?" Don asked, and saw the answer in Colby's eyes. "You? You did this?"

"I had a hand."

"And Charlie? What'd he ever do to you?"

I thought he'd never finish that equation I gave him, Colby thought to himself. But, since Don didn't seem to ask about Matt or anyone else who was suffering, Colby asked, "Do you really think I'd work for the Chinese, when there's a greater power out there?"

"One you're betraying right now," David said.

"Not really," Colby said. "For with aeons by, even death may die."

"I don't think this' bringing Jesus back, Colby," Liz said.

the en

crossover, numb3rs fanfiction, numb3rs, drabble, lovecraft

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