Numb3rs drabble: "No Recusing"

Mar 19, 2010 10:49

Title: No recusing.
Prompt: in another world
Pairings/Characters: Robin/Charlie, Amita.
Rating: PG
Summary: Robin's dating Charlie.
Word Count: 177
Spoilers: none.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters.
Notes: this started out as just Robin/Charlie...then she found out Amita published.


"Charlie's in a meeting right now," Amita said. "He asked me to invite you in and take a seat."

Robin nodded, doing so. "Thank you, Amita."

"Big date planned tonight?" and then caught herself before she asked anything else.

But Robin didn't mind - she understood the feeling. "Assuming neither of us gets called back to work, yes."

They had, by circumstance and neccessity, operated with painstaking slowness. And when they had achieved a plateau of stability in their interpersonal relationship with one another, their level of caution elevated: minimizing the amount of involvement in one another's cases, lest defendents' lawyers cry unfair bias.

But, Robin thought to herself, I am not about to recuse myself from involvement with Charlie. And it helped, she sometimes thought with a smile, that he didn't entirely understand the idea of retreat. "So. Anything new for you?"

"I - Well, I was just published," Amita said.

Charlie told me about that, rightfully proudly. "Congratulations. You should come with us - make this a celebratory dinner."

"Oh no, I couldn't."

"I insist."

the end

numb3rs fanfiction, au, numb3rs, drabble

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