
Feb 21, 2010 23:31

found this at the lj page of Big-Scoop

The first FIFTEEN people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble/ficlet of any pairing/character of their choosing (crossovers are welcome). {my edit: this sentence is optional}: In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level ( Read more... )

royal pains, leverage, percy jackson fandom, numb3rs, supernatural, phineas and ferb, live free or die hard, meme, white collar, east west 101, the librarian

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Sam/River, end of the world rodlox February 22 2010, 04:54:24 UTC
"Let's go save the world," Dean says, shotgun in hand and standing at the door.

"Twas," River says.

The main reason Dean's not saying whatever is because Sam's here. That and because he's tried fighting the girl once. Just once.

"We must kill him before he can become a god," Castiel says.

River giggles.


Stolen kisses are what they pass most of the time.

Stolen from one another, though not in seclusion and out of sight - well, some are...but River doesn't always notice the presence or absence of what most people do.


The world ends, but not for lack of trying to prevent it.

The ending should've been expected by more - God had come back the day before.

Sam and River wake up in a Celestial office, the paperwork and minutae of the gods continuing on as if nothing awry had happened.

Sam knew one thing for certain: none of these were angels or demons.

"Friends of tree gods," River says.

Sam remembers that god - a forest god from the Balkans, looking like M. Gandhi and Paris Hilton.

Before he can say anything, the two of them are waved away - literally. Abruptly on a planet surface.

Loose orange sun overhead - "Not Earth," Sam says.

River nods and giggles, sweeping him for a kiss.


That planet didn't last long after that. Nor did the next world they moved to.


They don't live on planets any more.

Most of mankind does. Dean probably does - he doesn't keep in touch much these days.

But Sam and River keep their feet in the skies, legs intertwined.


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