East West 101 (2.02-2.03)

Feb 16, 2010 01:36

I trust everyone (who marks it) had a good Tet, New Year, Valentine's Day, and the start of Carnival.

I really am sorry for the thylacine in that East West 101 drabble the other day.

question about 2.01: what happened to Malik's mother? she's gone! ):

spoilers for events in episodes 2.02 and 2.03...

* "So does that mean that, next time there's a Greek victim, I can expect a promotion?"
ah, Helen Callas. :)

though that comment went through my mind a few times when I was watching Percy Jackson and the Olympians today, ...so you can about imagine the crossover bubbling in my brain now.

* Lim and Callas have that...what's the word?...quiet competance. (not purely "shut up and let us do our jobs" - though they accomplish that quite well)

(Callas seems a bit frayed, but then I suspect I'd be frayed too if I had all those hormones and suspicion about being gone around while I'm still able to work)

* I think Burn Notice spoiled me...Malik's good at staring down people who have a gun pointed at him, but when they ask if he's a cop, he drops all pretense and doesn't deny it. (while this demonstrates his character, it skips the fact that he could've been shot in answer to that in the seconds between his admission & his backup arriving.

actually, I'd just like to set the Burn Notice characters in the East West 101 offices (or vice versa), and anyone who writes this, I will owe you big.

* I was seriously hoping that it wasn't her brother in the mask.

also seriously hoping she doesn't do the wrong thing in this latest relationship.

episode, east west 101, reviews

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