Viewed episodes 3,4 of _East West 101_

Jan 31, 2010 06:11

still a great show. Lim's still my favorite.

* Yep, more evidence that no good deed goes unpunished.

* not entirely sure why Officer Malik doesn't close his back door.

* Question, did anyone catch what he said here?:
Officer Koa: "You should've brought Lim with you."
Officer Malik: "Lim doesn't speak (Toyoti)."

* so, go all the way out there...only to find he's gone to your neck of the woods? that's either coincidence, or unsettling.

* Part of me suspects that Crowley did some investigating of his own, and that led him to the gunman - and got the gunman to lower his guard and talk relaxed...which Malik saw.

made another icon:

EDIT: an observation:
so, the son says no to the demands of a criminal - and, as a direct result, his father is crippled for life.

if that'd happened to me, I wouldn't have been able to even contemplate joining the police - I would've frozen in fear every time I was asked about joining or thought of joining.
then again, some say my sense of causality is too tightly strung.

shows, episode, review, east west 101

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