last night's new NCIS

Jan 13, 2010 08:46

Raise your hand if you were hoping Ducky and DiNozzo Sr would've had at least one scene together. *raises hand*

Robert Wagner gave an excellent performance, and did an outstanding job with what material they gave him.

However, I'm starting to feel like NCIS is feeling like one of those 'Inspirational Movies' - "there is only One True Parent, and He Is Gibbs"
(I'd say "One True Family Member", but McGee's sister escaped unharmed)

I suppose I should be thankful that the elder DiNozzo wasn't behind the attack.

So, after all the clues dropped over the seasons about DiNozzo Senior - the money and everything else - and suddenly all that was a smokescreen for a con man? (see?, this is proof that you can only trust Gibbs)

Rating: four of five stars.
of course, part of how high that is, is from the prospect of Ziva becoming DiNozzo Junior's next stepmother.

episode, review, ncis

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