Title: Dinner: Alan
Sequel to:
That's what other people do &
Dinner: Charlie.
Author: Keenir
prompt: #004: Learning
Characters: Don, Alan, Val, Charlie, Amita.
Summary: Alan's view on the situation.
Warnings: AU
Rating: PG-13/M for idea
Word Count: 119
Spoilers: Soft Targets.
Disclaimer: All canon characters are the property of CBS, Heuton & Falacci. All original characters are mine.
Every parent wants their kids to live long, healthy lives. And to keep the family name alive.
Well okay, maybe the parents of serial killers don't always want that for their kids, but Don and Val are good kids, well-adjusted and sane.
So I know where her mom's coming from.
Hell, when Don and Val were still in school, we'd get together and swear we'd never force our kids to marry anyone they didn't love - and technically we're still not, since I know Don loved Val and she loved him.
That and death focuses the mind. Cliche, I know, but it's true.
The real trick will be convincing Charlie that the house would make a wonderful wedding present.
The End