My plea to you

Dec 30, 2009 02:25

Before I came to fanfic-writing, I took part in an APA called Points Of Divergence. I'm still involved in the APA, though not as much as before; I hope to increase my participation in 2010. When fandoms were dark and bitter things, POD kept me going, gave me something to look forwards to - even when fandoms are cheerful and enjoyable, POD is a reassurance. (that and it comes in the mail, which is a plus in my book)

I won't lie: the number of members has fallen in recent years.

So I'm asking you, my friends, to see if you would like it, if you would like to join. (or if you know anyone who may be interested? if so, please relay this to them)

Some members have written what-if poems and stories (more than a few have published, one is even a publisher), but we also discuss books (speculative and otherwise), movies, comics, and news.

POD short page. Geography is no limit to membership - in the past, we had contributors all over the globe.

Some of the offered divergences over the years:
- there is no War of the Roses in England.
- no duel between Burr and Hamilton.
- the Bering Land Bridge never opens to human traffic.
- US President Barry Goldwater.
- Rome survives longer.
...and more.

and members can offer up ideas and challenges of their own, if the mood strikes you.
(there is nothing too outlandish - I once took part in a discussion in POD about what would have happened if the events of the first 'Predator' movie had been real)

When I joined, membership was $8-10 dollars a year with issues of POD coming out every other month. As far as I know, the price is still the same.
(if you're unsure, let me know, and I'll see what I can do)

Part of me thinks that I'm forgetting something vital, something important that, if I say it, would convince you to join.
Part of me thinks that I've said enough, and any more would risk turning you away from what I'm trying to help save.

pod, ah, request, new year, new years, au

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