Castle fic: "Beckett, the anthology"

Oct 22, 2009 22:15

title: Beckett, the anthology
author: keenir
summary: Beckett is about to get exactly what she wished for.
disclaimer: I own none of this!
coda to the most recent episode.

"What's that in your hand, Castle?" Beckett asked when she saw him in the hallway here in the station.

"Before you hit me, I want you to know it's not my doing."

"Likely, not, taking the sheath from him when she was close enough; she noted that Castle made no attempt to stop her or to grab it back. Not even a wisecrack.

"I swear, I had nothing to do with this," Rick said.

Luckily for him, Beckett didn't hear him: her attention was on the cover in her hands...


The First Nikki Heat anthology

edited by Alexis Castle

with a foreward by Richard Castle

Beckett's head jerked back up. "Explain."

"I may have mentioned over dinner your statement that Nikki Heat needs a better author, and Alexis asks 'then why not get some?' which hurt me, it truly did. Next thing I know, my publisher's calling me, telling me that my daughter is a genius - which I already knew, fyi, and she gets it from me - and we've got the green light."

"Who did Alexis have in mind?" Kate asked, amusedly interested to see who Alexis rated as better than her own father.

"Cannell, Reichs -"

"Nikki Heat, penned by the creator of Temperance Brennan?"

"Yyes. Anyway, there will also be stories by Stephen Baxter, Laura Joh Rowland, CJ Cherryh, Lindsay Davis, Dan Brown. Stephen King hasn't returned my calls."

"So what do you need me for?" Beckett asked, now trapped imagining all of those authors following her around.

"Alexis felt it would be appropriate if you wrote the Introduction."

She just looked at him.
the end

castle fanfiction

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