episode reviews of thursday and friday...

Oct 03, 2009 04:06

all of the below are my scribbled thoughts...

My thoughts on Numb3rs:

* Einstein?
(seriously now, did Einstein ever use just his initials?)

* yes, Larry, you were on a ship going around the Earth - but you weren't steering!

* Gordon's cute.

* what was that look on Amita's face when Charlie told the man that Amita was Charlie's fiancee?

* Nikki's going to Charlie for dating help; wonder if Colby and David are going to as well.

* Larry's leaving? go to Megan!

* Ah, an excellent use of the amibiguity of the English language....and a good retort(?) to all the jokes Nikki cracks about the two of them.

my thoughts about Flashforward:

* I confess, I didn't realize they were playing a game on that playground....my thought was "hey, why is she awake? any connection to Agent Zero?"

* what the hell did that kid see, if she became friends with the autistic boy and is afraid of what the flashforward is warning??

* where was that guy quoting from, just before he went up in flames?

* I'm starting to wonder if Agent Noh is the father of her flashforward!baby.

My thoughts about Stargate:Universe:

* He refuses to sign the non-disclosure agreement...and your response is to beam him into orbit?
(at first, I thought this was just more of what Atlantis did - remember when Rodney asked his sister for help? - but as time went on, I began to see just how big a role Rush played in all of that)


* wow, Rush really is well-named. :)

* when the division starts getting deeper between those aboard the ship, I bet Eli is going to side with the military. (for one thing, he and Rush've butted horns aplenty just in the first day afer Eli was beamed up) (for another thing, Eli knows his mother's medical treatments are coming from the military...gratitude, at the very least)

* I wonder how this pilot fares on the Bedshel Test (or however it is spelled)...given that three of the main characters (not counting Rush) started off with girlfriends/wives/significant others, and two of them might be on the ship with them...and at least one othe pairing is being megaphoned at us during the episode.

* ya'know, I think Rush has all the makings of a dictator (or tyrant or whatever word you want to use)

* hm, a built-in timer.

episode, stargate sg1, review, numb3rs, spoilers, stargate, amita, amita ramanujan

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