Reviews: FlashForwards, Mentalist, Supernatural

Sep 24, 2009 23:54

My thoughts on tonight's big three shows:

Flash Forward

Assuming that he isn't telling the truth, why would he want to lie?
well, maybe when he saw the future, he was with that woman they were arresting (yes, the one who said she was with horses - did she omit his presence, or just not see him?)

"I had a bad dream: I dreamed there were no more good days."

17 weeks pregnant
3 months is 12 weeks
4 months is 16 weeks
so she's got a bit of a time crunch to work on getting ready for the flash(back)forward.

I wonder if some of the disasters (like the birds dying) are a side-effect of whatever needs enough power to affect/effect time like that...and some of the other disasters (like the troops in the building) are a result of everyone getting the flashforwards.

On the other hand, if he's anything like The 4400's Tom Baldwin, maybe he's so obsessively focused on the flashforwards worldwide that first he's told to take a vacation, and he disobeys so much that eventually he boards himself up in the office...where the soldiers come for him.
(and his wife, watching him isolate himself with his work, turns to the father of the boy she saved)

The Mentalist

again with the misdirection. one would be forgiven for thiinking it was the only weapon in Patrick Jane's arsenal.

ever notice how, when Jane says "don't think you know me," and someone replies with the facts of his family life, Jane says "so you used the internet/read my case file" ? what's he expecting?

so the victim was guilty of going to extremes for her family. seems we've seen that once or twice in the series.


"and he still had his eyes?" - good throwback to past seasons.

notice how quickly Dean backpedaled and put the blame on Castiel when Raphael looked at him (once trapped) ?

I think I understand how the angels feel: God started the universe and peopled it once the clock started...but now that He's gone, the angels are stuck holding the reins & unable to get out - so destroying it is the only way out (if you've played Connect Four against someone who, in mid-game, makes all the checkers drop, it's like that)

hm, so Dean's happy he's on his own? good for him.

now...was that whole Jess/Sam&Lucifer bit a dream? a hallucination? something else?

"I will never lie to you, Sam."

shows, episode, reviews, meta

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