What if....but what about the Government?

Sep 09, 2009 18:07

excerpt from the book _How to lose a war_ edited by Bill Fawcett:

But there are a few points to the Emancipation Proclamation that are forgotten. First, that the Proclamation itself was ony part of a broader package. It was the stick, and the carrot is forgotten. While issuing the Proclamation, Lincoln also offered to the South generous terms. That if prior to January 1, 1863, the various Confederate armies agreed to demobilize, representatives from the various states in rebellion could return their representatives to Washington, as long as such representatives and their constituents reaffirmed their oath of allegiance to the Constitution. If this was done, slavery would remain in place.

but my question is this: what would happen to Jefferson Davis, Judah Benjamin, and the rest of the Confederate Government? would they be strung up on a noose in Washington DC? given an enforced retirement? sent out West?

what if, pod, ah, point of divergence, thoughts

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