"Manchurians" (pg13)(Dollhouse/Numb3rs)

Aug 11, 2009 01:54

Title: Manchurians.
Author: Keenir
Fandom: Dollhouse/Numb3rs
Warning: a political joke/reference.
Characters: Don Eppes, Colby Granger, Adelle DeWitt.
Spoilers: ?
Word Count: 225
Disclaimer: I own none of the character, and the middle flower is not green.
Cross posted to: dollhouseflash, and soon(ish) to numb3rs100
Summary: Just when you think you've seen everything, there's a phone call that makes your boss pull a gun.

"And then," Colby said as they recounted the humorous bits of their last case, "when he looked over the concrete dividers..."

Don chuckled. "Yeah. Yeah you can't get that sort of authenticity on those tv shows where actors play Feds," and stopped laughing when the phone rang. "This is Eppes," he said, answering it.

"Mr. Eppes," said the voice on the other end of the line, definately cultured, more than a little British, maybe English but he wasn't 100% on that.


"Did Mr. Watts provide you with any information once you made your arrest against him?"

"I'm sorry, what did you say your name was?" Don asked.

"I did not. But as you ask, I will say that the ninth seal is on the third tree."

Don hung up.

"Reporters already?" Colby asked, having only heard half the discussion.

Don didn't answer, just drew his sidearm and made sure there were bullets in the chamber.

Colby knew that look from his miltary days: that was the look of guys who were doing everything on autopilot.

And as Don walked down the length of the bullpen - heading for the elevators - with his gun drawn and ready to use, that same look on his face -

Colby shook his head and muttered, "And they said I was dangerous?" as he ran to tackle Don.

the end

(yes, as in a Manchurian Canidate)

crossover, numb3rs fanfiction, dollhouse fanfiction, numb3rs

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