movie review: How To Steal A Million

Jul 24, 2009 01:42

Way back in this post, I asked for movie suggestions. Tonight, I viewed my public library's copy of How to Steal a Million...and it was beautiful.

thank you, Sororcula, for suggesting it.

for ages, I believed that Susan Foreman (granddaughter of the Doctor of Doctor Who), while initially played by Carol Anne Ford, was later played by Audrey Hepburn...I don't know where I heard it, or what movie/serials she was supposed to have been in, but I believed it.

and watching this movie, I could see where someone might have gotten that idea...Hepburn's character is distinctly different from Ford's Susan, but there is a subtlety, a nuance and a bit of mannerisms that seemed distinctly Susan Foreman.

but this isn't just a movie for the Doctor Who fan...its also fun for Leverage viewers as well. from the proposition, to the casing, to strategies for carrying out the job...

oh, and the entredes - fun.

and even if none of those appeals to you, watch the movie, and I give you my word that you will find something you enjoy about the film.

Leverage-wise, though, it worries me, because it reminds me of a contest that Biblical Archeology Review magazine held not too long ago: in the wake of the "Brother of Jesus" ossuary, they were holding a contest to see if anyone could make a fake - statuary, ossuary, parchment, anything.

movie, susan foreman, leverage, review, doctor who

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