am writing this from the hotel's two-computer room...

Jul 16, 2009 22:16

heard on the radio that, according to a UK study*, the most stressful time of the week is 11:45 in the morning on Tuesday.

* = of folks in the US? in the UK?

was contemplating something for my Numb3rs_het entry...but then the enormity of the change hit me: Don Eppes is an only child - no Charlie. now I know that this should mean that he'd probably be a baseball player or somesuch, but I decided to have him end up in the FBI anyway. but there's a few other things:
* Oswald and the other math guys Charlie's influenced/frienemied.
* the Megan/Larry dynamic.
* did Megan meet Larry, and brought him in as a consultant - and he later brought Amita on board?...or was Amita the consultant, and she brought Larry in, and he met Megan?
* Charlie helped crack the Janus Code and thereby got Colby in trouble. is Colby still a triple-agent, or did Amita crack it?
* what about Susan?
* Charlie's the best character to use to explore these changes, I think. or is there someone who would notice the differences even sooner than Charlie would?

I'm probably going to keep as much of canon the same as possible...but sometimes I have to write down the questions so they stop pestering me. (does that happen to anyone else?)

ah, amita, numb3rs, meta

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