drabble: "The Not-Quite-Scarlet Band" (Terminator:Salvation)

May 26, 2009 22:18

yes, the Sherlock Holmes reference struck me when I was writing the original title "the scarlet band". :D

Title: The not-quite-scarlet band.

Missing Scene in Terminator:Salvation

Summary: Marcus Wright's thoughts on Blair's - very distinctive - mark.

Characters: Marcus, Blair.


While she's laying here, listening to my heart, I can't take my mind off that red stripe she's wearing across her face. Like a mask of some sort.

A mask? Well, it'd defiantely be one that can't be torn off or used to keep you from escaping. But it doesn't really cover up who you are. So that's probably not why she's like that.

Listen to me, I'm lucky enough to be alive - even though I'm pretty sure I remember the needle going in me - and while there's a beautiful woman lying against me for my body heat, all I can think about is a stripe.

So, why a stripe? She's asleep, so I can't ask her.

The whole point of camoflage is to break up your outline, to look like you're part of your background - not to stand out from it. Kyle said the Hunter-Killers track body heat, but they've got to use regular sight too - heat's too easy to cover up, also too easy to sit somewhere as warm as you. So mankind's back to thinking like a zebra or a leopard, same idea: trick your onlookers into thinking that you don't begin and end where their programming says you should.

But camoflage would demand either more bars - either all in the same direction or in clashing directions, depending on what her preferred background is - or less well-defined shapes. One lone bar would be more distinctive.

Yeah, that's exactly it: it's distinctive. Eye-catching. Maybe that's it, maybe that's why she has it like that.

Except if that's her reason, then we're right back to square one.

Is it her version of the red band on the coats? How many machines do you have to kill to get red face paint?

Well, at any rate, I think it accents you nicely, Blair Williams.

the end

movie, terminator, fanfiction, fic

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