review: Night At The Museum II

May 23, 2009 01:13

a note about what I thought I saw in the G.I.Joe preview...and it relates to Dollhouse
Mr Dominic is back.

a thought and three questions about the Transformers preview:
* if the Transformers were on Earth in the past, why are even more of them landing nowadays? why not just wake them up?
(so, to recap - in the first movie, we learn that Megatron wants to convert Earth technology into transforming machines...but that makes sense, because our technology was only able to be built because we studied Megatron. and now we're probably going to find out that the Transformers are the only reason humans were able to build the pyramids, domesticate plants, etc)

* unicycle-bots? seriously? didn't the SIlver Surfer at least have the excuse of tying in to a fad or a craze?

* one of the 'bots that Sam is talking to...the head reminds me of Gizmo - that robot that was built to study human facial expressions. (mostly it consists of ears, pingpong ball-like eyes, and a mouth)

*if they screw up the Insectacons, I will be seriously pissed.

Night At The Museum II: Battle of the Smithsonian

* when I was walking to the theater, I thought "how's he going to get transferred from New York to DC?"...and this movie answers that. (that wasn't a spoiler - look at the title/subtitle)
* a question - does the Tablet only bring recreations to life, or would it have also revived dead things like the Giant Squid contained in the Smithsonian's Natural History Museum's hall of marine life?

ooooh my goodness, I just remembered something: at the lower public entrance to that same museum, there's at least one Olmec head - probably bigger than the Easter Island one in NY.

* "Will you please stop staring off into the middle distance?"

* I like how it had Larry walk past so many of the figures who would later be brought to life... Al Capone, Amelia Earheart(sp), ...and opening the first crate.

* opening the second crate and looking inside, I kept thinking "awfully close to sunset, Larry"

* poor Sacajawea(sp)...of all the people to be trapped with, she gets him.

* I'll leave the physical examination to my friends...but I confess that Thinker sounds an awfull lot like Dylan Bruno. (that's Colby Granger in the show Numb3rs)

* the only thing that made me really sad was that they included the Tuskegee Airmen...but omitted the Mercury Thirteen. (first female canidates to be astronauts in the US)

I mean they introduced the Airmen in - what, fifteen seconds? thirty? would another ten or twenty seconds have killed them to pass by Lee Cobb?

* have to admit, I thought Larry was going to see how long it took Ka-Mun-Ra to solve an actual Rubik's Cube.

* Ivan the Awesome? yet more proof that the displays pick up language from people walking around them. (or would it have been from either a display-maker or one of the guys doing maintainance work?)

* "No, that one was made up, even for you." :)

and her reply - priceless!!

* "Will you stop narrating?"

* hey Abel, where's your Russian - canine - colleagues? I thought Air&Space had a reconstruction of at least one of them.

* "I Never Lie!" maybe not, but that doesn't mean you can't be wrong.

* coolness!: the V-J Day photo!

(methinks that that will play a role in the third movie)

* Vader! (from Air&Space, right?)...but which building did Oscar the Grouch come from?

just a thought - in any of the buildings - such as the SETI room in Air&Space - are there pictures or reconstructions of either E.T. or a Grey alien? (see bottom of page)

* Octavius' charge across the White House lawn is priceless.
(though it does beg the question of exactly how far the Tablet's react extends)

...though why didn't Octavius recruit help from his fellow (life-sized) Romans in the Natural History building? (second floor, if I recall)

...I mean come on, those ramps have to be miniature-accessible!

* to someone of Lincoln's stature, I suppose we're all pigeons.

* Ka-Mun-Ra gets awfully wimpy when its just him and Larry - I mean, why was he doing exactly what that security guard did to Larry near the start of the movie?

* surely Capone's got plenty of reasons to kill Ivan the Terrible - wasn't Capone Jewish? (though Ivan did pogroms against pretty much everybody; worst example of equal-opportunity EVER)

* the mighty Squirrel.

* hopefully that was just what the Underworld's temp agency could send on short notice. otherwise...its kinda sad.

* interesting twist regarding Custer.

- is that normal, the awareness of just how one is percieved after you/the-guy-you're-reconstructing dies?

* I was kinda expecting the Roosevelts to meet.
(or at least for the Teddy bust to meet Sacajawea)

"madam, you are proof," the Bust of Teddy Roosevelt said, "that if a man has arms, he can get anything he desires."
Sacajawea looked at Larry as if to ask what is he talking about?

* there's a John Candy movie - I think its the one where the typewriter creates reality - and the woman says "I don't know what I was doing - I don't even like ants"...and he says "Yes you do" because earlier in the movie, that actress was an ant expert.

- because this movie, this NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM gives us several twists in the end. (and not just "She's heading to Canada?"

* "I get lost easily", my question is, is that the truth, is that her way of making sure he walks with her, or a mix of the two?

* watch well into the credits, folks - there's more scenes buried in there.

and now, one possible sequel to the movie...if anyone wants to use this as a plot bunny, feel free to.

“Let - me - go!” Larry’s son shouted, tugging at his restraints.

E.T. turned around and waddled towards him. Holding out one hand, index finger extended and glowing, E.T. instructed him, “Be. Good,” and ran that finger casually down a metal pipe - trailing the exact sort of damage an arc welder would leave behind.

Eyes wide, the boy nodded mutely.

“He. He. He. He,” E.T. laughed as E.T. returned to the project at hand.

movie, review, numb3rs, reviews, meta, movies, transformers, alien

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