about two of the upcoming movies...

May 11, 2009 22:40

based on the previews for Terminator: Salvation...
...I think we now know why Earth That Was is lost -- because the Firefly-class vessels are working for SkyNet.

and about Transformers and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen...

Okay, so in the first movie, we learn that all the big discoveries of the 20th century were made by copying Megatron. (so, why the horror at hearing that Megatron would bring the cars to life? you just said that the cars were made because of him!)

...and now we see that there are Transformer writings in ancient things from Egypt? why do I get the feeling that this is going to become "the Autobots taught the Ancient Egyptians how to build pyramids and everything else" ?

movie, terminator, thoughts, review, meta, movies, firefly, transformers

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