Title: Lament
Written for the
Tardis Gen ficathon! <-go visit! so many great fics! There
For: Persiflage_1
Prompt: Sarah Jane meets Romana II. If you want to write an AU wherein the Doctor isn't the last of the Time Lords, so Older!SJS can meet Romana
Author: Keenir
Characters: Romana III, Sarah Jane Smith; mention of the Doctor and the Meddling Monk.
Rating/Category: PG-13
Spoilers: Rose or Dalek, School Reunion.
Summary: Sarah Jane Smith and the last of the Time Lords - Romanadvoratrelundar.
onwards, brave knights!][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][
Sarah Jane Smith was not the only reporter out investigating the torching of an office building. But she was the only one who saw in the intense blue flames, evidence that aliens were back.
It took only two days to find the TARDIS.
And sitting in the open door was an unfamiliar woman. “Hello? My name is Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane Smith.”
“Romanadvoratrelundar,” came the reply.
Sarah Jane looked at the girl. Hair all matted down and didn’t look to have ever so much as heard of a comb or a brush. Somber-hued clothes a size and a half too big. No make-up at all.
“Can I help?”
Romana looked up at the human. “Pardons?”
“Well you look like you’re busy trying to figure something out,” Sarah Jane said. “So I was wondering if I could help.”
Calculatingly amused, “What makes you think that you could help?” Romana asked.
“Well, for one, you’re sitting in the doorway of a TARDIS.”
Romana bolted to a standing position.
“I’m sorry,” Sarah Jane said. “But this looks an awful lot like something a friend of mine likes to drive.” Drive, fly, use…English verbs were maddening when it came to TARDISes.
“Yes I should think so. This one belonged to the Doctor.” He stole it from Gallifrey, once, long ago. Fitting then that I, the President, the embodiment of Gallifrey, civilization and law, should have it now.
“Is he inside?”
Romana shook her head as the humans do; an affectation, true, but one she didn’t mind. “The Doctor and the Monk fell in the Battle of Raging Moments.” The last Dalek in the universe escaped from that inferno - and I incinerated it here two days ago.
My new regeneration seems to enjoy…slumming, Romana noted to herself as she felt the thrill coursing through her body at the prospect of eating something as plain as fish and chips. The light mist of rain didn’t bother her, either.
Sarah Jane, on the other hand, seemed somewhat annoyed that they were eating in the rain at this roadside eatery. And, while certainly not *intending* to twist the knife, she did: “You’re sure the Doctor’s dead?” Sarah Jane asked, holding out the hope - while simultaneously clutching that very hope to her breast - that he was still out there… somewhere.
“Oh yes very,” Romana said. “Humans did nothing more than come from apes,” a fact that even the Doctor would remind them of. “Time Lords have more complex ancestry… from that ancestry, we retained the ability to detect the presence of other Time Lords, no matter where they might be in time or space.” The Doctor never cared to understand our ancestors, or to talk about what mud-dabbers they were.
“And you’re not sensing any of them?”
Right now, I’d welcome a chat with even the Rani. “Not even one.” Romana didn’t feel the need to mention that only parents and children were invisible to the detection-sense.
“Oh,” Sarah Jane said, and set down her fork. “So, what are you going to do now?”
“Now? I am eating,” Romana reminded her.
“I know that.”
Romana pointedly didn’t reply to that.
“What I mean is, what are you going to do after you finish eating? Now that the Time War is over.”
“No idea.” Was this in part what kept the Doctor going, the thought of eventually finding something to preoccupy himself with? Or is this in part what kept the Monk going, looking always looking for something to insert himself into with great finality? “I’ll find it, though.”
“How can you find it when you don’t know what you’re looking for?” Sarah Jane asked.
“I’m a Time Lord,” Romana said with fatal finality. “I have all eternity.” Alone.
The End