this is why I have a permit to shoot plot bunnies

Apr 10, 2009 20:06

oh good lord, I should not have so much as thoughts of shipping Rorschach with Mary Shannon (of 'in plain sight')

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in plain sight, crossover, plot bunnies, plot bunny

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a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 00:32:59 UTC
But since it's there are you going to write about it?


rodlox April 11 2009, 02:23:59 UTC
right after this Primeval fic I'm writing for someone.

btw, when the Constructacons assembled into a composite being, did they shout anything? (I have vague memories of "Constructacons! Assemble!"...but that's probably inacurate)

*is tempted to ask for an Iron Man/Transformers fic in trade*


a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 03:13:19 UTC
Oh that would be amusing. I'm going to be writing a very peculiar "Primeval" fic in my journal about Indy falling through an anomaly and thinking that Nick is Ned Lawrence. My poor Indy.

Um, I don't think the Constructacons ever said anything when they transformed. I know in TFA they didn't but I am not entirely 100% sure about G1. Perhaps if they were moving out in force they might have but individually I don't believe they did.

Heh who would you be asking the Iron Man/Transformers fic from?


rodlox April 11 2009, 04:04:09 UTC
ah. well, thought to ask, just in case.

>Heh who would you be asking the Iron Man/Transformers fic from?
I hold hopes that you would accept such a trade. (though you can ask for something else ficced from me in turn)

gah!, plot bunny!:
"My name is Nick Cutter. Who are you?"
"Me Grimlock, leader of Dinobots!"


a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 04:44:51 UTC
Ahh, for me to write one? I'm afraid that I am lousy at doing those. I haven't really ever written one as I have a lot of ideas roving around my head and I honestly don't want to touch Iron Man right now. I'm torn between writing for "Primeval" and "Boondock Saints" plus "Indiana Jones". I haven't wanted to get back into Transformers until the other movie comes out since I had a huge falling out with TFA.


I have a Grimlock, he's my buddy and he went out into the garden with me so he could attack any scorpians (not that there really area any... but you know how imaginations work).

Grimlock: Grimlock like to scare people RAWRRRRR!


rodlox April 11 2009, 05:47:19 UTC
not a problem; it was just an idea (half in jest, to be honest)


I used to have the little hovercraft autobot.



a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 05:52:32 UTC
Ahhh okay. TFA, Transformers Animated. Plus roleplaying on MySpace has given it a really really bad taste for Transformers in general. Awww cool do you remember its name?


rodlox April 11 2009, 07:13:45 UTC
nononono, not any of these recent(ish) things where the autobots have faces with lips - I mean the original Transformers series, where the Autobots had metal plates over where their nose and mouth would have been. (or at least Optimus Prime did)

and sadly no, don't remember the name of it.


a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 07:25:06 UTC
Awww but some of TFA is fun. I have a lot of TFA transformers as well as the movie-verse. Bumblebee is my favorite. :D He and Grimlock are on my desk right now. When I get a job next I am going to have to invest in some of those Primeval toys I saw on the website. That looks totally awesome. And I'm sure Grimlock would like to have a new friend so that way Sam doesn't keep acting dead everytime Grimlock comes out. I have a big toy collection that nearly rivals my dvds.

By the way, I wanted to ask, what is a fanfic trade?


rodlox April 11 2009, 07:29:29 UTC
well, the original series was a cartoon, but that was many years ago now. back in the days of the Tiger Sharks and Heathcliff, if not before them.

a trade is where we both ask one another - at the same time - for a fic ("something where Helen Cutter gets lucky" "Indy in Siberia"). there's no time limit.


a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 07:52:44 UTC
Ah okay I probably wouldn't be good for doing the fic-trades then, at least, not at the moment since I have so many ideas in my head and very little time to get something done. I don't know, maybe I could because I haven't done something like that since middle school. Ah yes I know G1 was back in the 80s. I got harassed for not being a "true" fan because I wasn't a fan of G1 when it was originally out. But yeah I was born in 84 and watched mostly Disney and wasn't exactly into guy things until I saw "Knight Rider" and "Thunder in Paradise".


rodlox April 11 2009, 07:30:30 UTC
"we're being attacked by giant flightless bats!"
*noise comes from bats*
"what the hell's happening?"
"they're transforming."


a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 07:50:55 UTC
lol what's that from?


rodlox April 11 2009, 14:01:41 UTC
nowhere, I made it up.


a1cmustangpilot April 11 2009, 16:07:40 UTC
So if I was to consider the fic-trade, what are the rules/guidelines?


rodlox April 11 2009, 16:34:07 UTC
* it can be any length (no minimum, no maximum)
* either hold to the initial prompt, or use the prompt as a starting point (ie, in one Indy movie, Dr Jones starts out in China - but he soon finds himself in India)

a modification now: you give me a set of fandoms and prompts that you're wanting to write, and I'll pick one as my challenge to you.

you can give me a prompt for any fandom I know, and that's your challenge to me.

if you'd like to add a rule, now's the time to do so.


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