Title: Becker - the unauthorized sequel
Author: Keenir
Characters: Becker, Page; mentions of other characters.
Rating/Category: PG-13
Spoilers: 3.01,
A Cushy Number by Telperion (which is the fic that sparked this)
Summary: Becker and Page talk. (cuteness ensues?)
Note: it was going to be a drabble - and it is…I just had to delete the line in the author’s notes.
drabble word: Celebration
The ARC was having a big to-do, a lavish (for the ARC) celebration to note both the acquisition of Dr Sarah Page & the revelation about magnetite.
“This seat taken?” Becker asked.
“Are you sure you’d want that?” Dr Page asked him. “After all, we’re just your wards.”
“My wards?” and irrationally wondered if she was as big a Dresden Files fan as he was.
Sarah nodded. “You’re here to babysit us, I get it.”
Damnit, I’m going to have to kill Connor after all. “Baby, I’d be honored to sit beside you any day of the week.”
She blushed. “Today’s fine,” Sarah said.
The end.
Author’s notes: had to remove _Becker was pretty sure she was blushing._ from the last line.