Meta rant(ish), short

Mar 26, 2009 22:19

Show of hands. Which would be the most likely to make you not want to watch a show?:
1) half the fandom will not shut up about how gleefully excited they are about (spoiler) happening in this season - and the season hasn't started yet.
2) half the fandom will not shut up about how mad they are that an actor is moving to another show during or after the show's end - and the season hasn't started yet.
3) half the fandom will not shut up about how the show's going to be cancelled.

I've seen all three happen. in the third instance, it tends to become a self-fufilling prophecy. the second instance can also become self-fufilling, because an actor might start to reconsider, but the fans might spook him away with their severity - it's happened.

(the current crying and threatening to take the piss (weirdest expression I've ever heard, but its a real one) and moaning and ignoring the point isn't even original to the Primeval fandom - it's happened before with other shows, even if they don't act like it)


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