"Come across" (Lost / Torchwood crossover)

Mar 21, 2009 17:18

Title: Come across.
author: Keenir

Dedicated to: prochytes, who gave me the idea that spurred this ficlet.

crossover: Torchwood/ Lost

Summary: before he was captured by Jin, Sayid found a lost little traveler.
rating: pg-13


Her nose was full of the smell of uncut grass, her mind full of the thought the Hub doesn't smell like grass, and Tosh tried levering herself up with a groan - and froze in place when a man's hand touched gently down on her shoulder, as the man asked her "shh".

He helped her rise to a crouch. "I'm Toshiko," she introduced herself, noticing that her mouth felt dry.

"Sayid," he said in return. "I think it's clear now."

What is? Tosh wondered.

Sayid didn't seem about to offer an explanation of what was going on.

"Wa salaam," Tosh said, just to be friendly and because silence was never pleasant when your toes were falling asleep, which they were starting to do.

He replied in Japanese.

"I walked into that one, didn't I?" distracted thusly from a puzzle.

Sayid gave her a gentle smile. "It is no trouble; I thought I was out of practice."

"Well you pronounced it perfectly."

"Thank you."

Tosh took a breath, still wondering why she couldn't taste blood in her mouth, why her clothes didn't feel weighted down. Remembering far too well the intensity of what Grey had done to her, Tosh was hesitant to reach down and touch one finger to her midsection, and winced in anticipation - of a pain that didn't come.

Seeing the confusion on her face, Sayid asked her, "Are you hurt?"

"No," Tosh said, puzzled. "But I was. And now...now I'm not."

"The Island has that effect on people."

You don't understand - I bled to death... though she was reluctant to say so. "Wait - the Island? We're on the Island?" Sayid nodded. "As in...Dharma Group?"

Sayid nodded.

Tosh groaned, this time not from pain.

"Something is the matter?"

I signed into the rolls at UNIT so I could get away from this place. "I'll be fine," and hoped it wouldn't become a lie.

A rustling not far away and coming closer - caught their attention. "I'll distract them," Sayid told her. "I'll come back," before she could object.

"Okay," Tosh said in a small voice as she was alone in the tall grass.
the end?

torchwood, tosh, crossover, toshiko sato, torchwood fanfiction, toshiko

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