Kings ficlet: "We'll be hearing wedding horns soon"

Mar 19, 2009 03:08

Title: We’ll be hearing wedding horns soon.

Character: King Silas Benjamin, Princess Michelle Benjamin, David.
Word Count: 212
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The King delivers the good news to the impending couple.

Author’s Note: Written for me. Coda to the second episode (or to the first tv movie)
Disclaimer: I don’t own Kings or anything related to it.

David can’t believe his ears. “?” is the most he can trust himself to utter.

“You heard me,” King Silas Benjamin says. “I give you my blessing to marry my daughter.”

“You don’t object, daddy?” his daughter asks.

“Because he’s not royalty? I would remind you that, prior to my being anointed, I wasn’t royal either.”

And neither of the young ones realize the signifigance of that statement, because they’re too busy jumping up and down and hugging each other, and she’s hugging her father, and he’s holding his hand out to his future father-in-law.

Samuel likes you, boy, knew the King. Lets see if you’re acceptable king material for him and for God.
The end

fandom, fanfic, fanfiction

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