Burn Notice fic: "Two possibilities, one of which is false"

Feb 26, 2009 21:55

Title: “Two possibilities, one of which is false”
Characters: Michael, Carla.
Word Count: 289
Rating: PG-13
Michael’s POV
Summary: Michael confronts Carla about the guy who blew up his loft.
Beta: None.
Author’s Note: Yeah, that “big reveal” rubbed me the wrong way. I figure there are two ways to look at it…is there a third?

Disclaimer: I don’t own Burn Notice or anything related to it.

Location: the Loft:

“It was Victor,” I say, watching her face for any hints that this is not a surprise to her.

Of course, given that her level of training is no doubt on par with my own, her face wouldn’t be that informative even if it was news to her. “Victor tried to kill you?” Carla asks.

“And succeeded in killing the assassin you hired,” even if I still don’t know who the target was.


“That’s all? Just ‘interesting’?”

“Do I get a yogurt?” she asks.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice something just to seem friendly and magnanimous. “Fine.”

Carla flashes me a smile before she heads over to fish a yogurt out of my fridge. On her return to the table, “I could tell you the truth, Michael, but you wouldn’t believe me.”

“Try me,” I tell her. I am all ears.

She looks at me with a look that I recognize as ‘do you seriously expect me to buy that?’ “There are two possibilities, Michael, and one of them is false. You can believe that Victor engaged in arson at my command, after which I sent you on a wild goose chase to learn who did what when I already knew who the culprit was.”

“Or Victor’s taking orders from someone other than you,” I finish for her.

A nod - quite the concession. “Exactly. Respectively, that means that we’re willing to go further than you thought to keep you running…or you and I, Michael, are running out of time.”

“Yeah, to do what exactly?” I couldn’t help asking that - reflex.

Leaving her spoon in my sink and the yogurt cup in my recycle bin, “Thanks for the yogurt, Michael,” Carla says as she walks out.
The end

burn notice, burn notice fanfiction

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