Leverage fic: "Always use the right rope" (Parker/Hardison) rating: Mature

Feb 07, 2009 01:36

Title: Always use the right rope.

this was inspired by the icon here

Author: Keenir
Spoilers: the episodes up to ‘The Twelve-Step Job.’
Pairing(s): (mild) Parker/Hardison
Character(s): Parker, Hardison
Word count: 408

Rating: PG-17 because of one or two parts of it.
Disclaimer: None of them are mine.

Summary: Hardison finds Parker stayed in-office late, and finds out why.
Flash light = torch

Circular file = trash can

Author's notes: to be honest, I wasn’t sure whether or not to include that final line. what do you think?

Note: if googling it didn’t bring up that result before, it’ll now have at least one page come up: this one.

“Parker?’ Hardison asked, shining his flashlight around the Leverage INC offices. Nate had asked him to close up for the night, but Hardison couldn’t do that until everyone had gone home.

Parker had a home, right? He was pretty sure she had a home. At the very least, she had a place she went to when she wasn’t on the job or at work. “Parker?”

“In here,” she answered.

He came over and leaned against her door frame. “Busy?”

“Yes,” Parker said.

“Planning a big heist?” he asked, entirely kidding with her.

“No,” she said, serious as ever.

“Sophie’ll rest easy, then. So, what’s so engrossing?” not realizing how apt that choice of word would later seem to be.

“They’re wrong.”

“Who’s wrong?”

“These…people. On the Internet.”

The words fled from Hardison’s mouth before he could stop them: “Are you telling me the Internet is wrong?”

Parker nodded vigorously.

Hell, I have to see this! and he came around to stand behind and alongside her. “What’re you correcting them on?” out of professional curiosity - him being a computer geek, after all.

“Tensile strength.”

Hardison glanced at the screen, at the visible conversation.

He took a second look.

And a third…and wanted to reach for the circular file so dinner didn’t make a mess on Parker’s desk. “Lovecraftian S&M ?” Hardison choked out.

Parker nodded, intent on typing her reply.

“You’re arguing about the carrying capacity of ropes…with people who wouldn’t mind shouting ‘ia ia’ all night?”

“There’s no excuse for sloppy engineering.”

“How did you find this?” and dearly, desperately hoping she wouldn’t say ‘oh I’m a lifetime member.’ Hardison bet his heart couldn’t handle something like that revelation, and he wasn’t a gambling sort. Well, not that sort of gambling.

“I googled rope and knots and madness.”


Parker nodded.

Remind me to have words with Mr Paragon of Sanity about that ‘she’s twenty pounds of crazy’ and all the other things he’s said about Parker’s mind. “Well, we kinda have to leave the offices now.”

Parker looked up at him, sadness perched in the stygian depths of her otherwise implacable eyes. “Really?”

“Yep. So finish that sentence, send it, and log out.” An idea came to him, “You up for ice cream?”

He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen a computer novice type so fast. “But no cherries,” Parker said. “I get a rash.”

Even when we’re on the same page, we’re not on the same page.

The end
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